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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Who can apply for FEES Fund?

If you are aged between 7 and 25 years of age, you can apply for money to support your enrichment activity. Please check you are using the correct application form.

Applications can be made by individuals and organisations to support any activity/purpose for young people to engage in enrichment or education support activities, our aim is to fund one off life changing and life enhancing opportunities. 

FEES Fund remains a small locally based charity that aims to grow organically out of the communities that knew Fi and have been inspired by her legacy. We expect those applying for grant funding to engage with the values of the charity and the way funds have been raised in Fi’s memory and demonstrate how the funding will help inspire a love of learning.


Are there activities that FEES Fund won't cover?

Grants cannot be awarded to pay for school or university fees or to cover long term or ongoing activity costs.​  


I am over 18, how do I apply?

Please complete the over 18 application form, and use the FAQ document to check you have included all the information we require to consider your application. 


I am under 18 how do I apply?

If you are under 18 you will need an adult to support your application and act as an advocate or sponsor (see FAQ glossary of terms) for us to liaise with on your behalf. Please ask your advocate or sponsor to complete the 7-25 year old applying as a sponsor application form and include their name and what their relationship is to you.


I am part of an organisation, how do I apply?

If you are part of an organisation that supports young people to engage in enrichment or education support activities, you can apply for funds to make it accessible to children and young people from low-income families to attend by acting as a sponsor.

Applications from organisations need to be made on behalf of an individual using the 7 to 25 year old application form - applying as an organisation.  


Can I apply on behalf of someone else?

If you think FEES Fund could fund an opportunity for someone you know that meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply on their behalf. However, please let them know and ask for their permission before applying as you will need to provide FEES Fund with their name and personal information.

How much money can I/we apply for and when?

Awards are made to both individuals and organisations in £50 units up to a maximum of £1,000. We expect most grants awarded to individuals to be in the region of £200-£300. You can submit one application per year. Please include how much money you would like to apply for on your application form, and also include the breakdown of overall costs and details of any further funding received. 


When is the money awarded from FEES Fund?

Trustees allocate awards on a regular basis, and aim to be responsive, please indicate on your application when the money is needed with any dates or deadlines. Please use the application form, or use the contact form to ask any further questions.


​How will the funding be paid?

If you are an individual (or applying on behalf of an individual) and are awarded funding, the money will be paid directly to the organisation that will deliver the project or activity for the young person. You will need to provide bank details for the organisation and we will liaise directly.

If the grant is to pay for equipment, we will ask you to identify the item and retailer and the purchase will be made directly by FEES Fund with delivery to the young person.

If you are an organisation and are awarded funding, the money will be paid to you directly. 

What information do I need to include in my application?

Applications need to be specific and detail how much is requested and the predicted outcome linking to FEES Fund charitable purpose and values. 

Please include as much information as possible on your application form:-

  • Your name, age, email address (if you are under 18, please add your sponsor's name and email address, and what your relationship is with them).

  • How much you would like to apply for

  • What you would like to use the funding for

  • Details of who will act as a reference for your application

  • If you are nominating someone else, please tell us why you are nominating them and what has inspired you to apply on their behalf. Please also tell us that you have asked for their permission.

  • How Fi and the charity set up in her memory has inspired you. We are keen that in making an application to the fund, that you feel part of the very special community that surrounds FEES fund and gain a sense of kindness that surrounds the fund raising activities. 

Please also tell us if we can use your details and photos in our marketing, social media and promotion materials


What will you use my email address for?

We will use your email address to contact you if we need more information or to update you on your application. We will not share your email address outside of FEES Fund.


Do I need to reference FEES Fund values in my application?

Our charitable purpose is informed by our four values; opportunity, aspiration, kindness and community. Trustees will use the values to inform decision making in all fundraising and grant making activities. We would love to see in your application how each value will play a part in what your chosen activity, for example how it will raise your aspirations and how that would impact on the community you are part of. 


​Why do I need to update you with how the funding has made an impact on my life?

This is linked to our charitable purpose; we are interested to hear how the grant awarded has helped build new skills, extend your interests, change your outlook and perceptions, lifestyle and ambitions. Trustees are accountable to the founders and the charity commission, and we need to review our purpose on an annual basis. An update from you would help us evaluate if we are working inline with FEES Fund aims, objectives and values.


Are there ways I can stay in touch with FEES Fund?

Please complete the privacy questions indicating that you are happy for FEES Fund to hold your details on our charity database. We will send you newsletters and updates.

We will ask your permission to share your story in our marketing, social media and promotion materials to help encourage future fund raising and grant applications.


Can I apply for funding for my organisation?

FEES fund grants are aimed at individuals.  An application can be made by an organisation on behalf of an individual - see u18-apply-as-an-organisation.


Partnership working

FEES Fund Trustees are always keen to hear from organisations that provide extracurricular, community based, enrichment activities.  


A small amount of funding is available for organisations who would like to work in partnership with FEES fund to help promote awareness of FEES fund and encourage applications to enable us to reach more children and young people.  Previous examples have included funding team shirts which include FEES fund as a shirt sponsor.  


Please use our website contact form if you have an idea for collaboration that may require a small amount of funding and one of our trustees can discuss this further with you.



in memory of Fiona Braidwood

Registered charity number: 1182839

Make a donation to FEES Fund here 


REMEMBER: Please tell your friends about FEES Fund and encourage them to submit an application for funds. You can read more about how to apply for a grant here

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